Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Dog Days Are Over

(^ I've been waiting to use that line forever...)
But, it's here kids. The big day. Graduation. It's like 8th grade promotion, only better!

I remember my first day of freshmen seventh grade at CdM. My Havaiana sandal broke. I hadn't kissed a boy. I had a haircut that even a mother couldn't love, (I'm serious, she cried when she saw it.) But this post isn't about me. It's about you guys.

A famous songwriter by the name of Vitamin C once said, "As we go on, we remember, all the times we, had together." Extreme cheesiness aside, I feel like every single person at CdM has touched me in their own way (pervyness not intended, but enjoyed.) I can remember hundreds, no thousands, of memories with people I would have never normally encountered. It's a weird feeling, leaving this little community we have created.

I know kids who are going to some of the best colleges in the country. I know some of the most talented athletes in the state. I know CIF winners and national champions. I know a kid that likes to get naked at almost every party. I know people who are going to be famous one day; actors and artists and musicians. WE ARE SO TALENTED IT'S RIDICULOUS. "And as our lives change, from whatever, we will still be, friends forever."

I wish every single person that graduates from CdM good luck on their  endeavors in the future. To quote Elle Woods from the end of Legally Blonde..."We did it!" Congratulations class of 2011, we had a great run. I love you all.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Slowly Failing Quest

So, at least half of the teenage population has read Perks of Being a Wallflower. Probably more than half. I, personally, have read it five times because it seriously is an awesome book and Stephen Chobsky developed a great story. Anyway, you know how at the end, in one of those great acts of kindness that makes you feel bad that you aren't that good of a friend, when Charlie gives Sam and Patrick all those books he read for a graduation gift? Well, in a quest to fill my time, I decided to finish all those books before graduate.

So let's see, prior to starting this quest, in school or in my spare time I had already read Hamlet, A Separate Peace, To Kill a Mockingbird, and The Great Gatsby. So, that left with about seven books I needed to read in the span of three month, which is realtively easy for me.

But let me update you. So the first book I bought was Catcher in the Rye. A classic, right? You always hear about that book but never get around to reading it. Let me tell you though, I was SO disappointed. After I closed the back cover, I literally had no idea what the book was even about. I'll give it to Salinger, he writes rather entertaining, but I have no idea how that book was a classic.

Currently, I am in the middle of This Side of Paradise, another classic. I love F. Scott Fitzgerald, but it is almost the same as Catcher; where is this story going? I'm getting stuck, I can't bring myself to finish it. I keep picking up Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson to read for the ninth time. Maybe that is just my preference.

So, as of today, June 6th 2011:
On the Road
Naked Lunch
The Stranger
A Separate Peace
To Kill a Mockingbird
The Catcher in the Rye
Great Gatsby
The Fountainhead
This Side Of Paradise 


Saturday, June 4, 2011

It's early in the morning of my Senior Prom, lettme just make a blog real quick...

I woke up way too early, as per usual. That 70's show got old after the third episode, even though it's probably a good taste of what life will be like next year in Wisconsin (hopefully!). Anywho, creeping on Facebook was loosing its appeal as well. After sending a few Lolcats to various friends, I stumbled upon (not to be confused with the website...) a friend's blog who is living in London for the summer. And then you think to yourself, heck, that's interesting. Why wouldn't I want to do something like that?

See, but then I read over that last paragraph, and if I wasn't me, and I somehow found this blog, I'd probably think the same thing you're thinking now: "Wow, this girl is riveting." Which brings me to my next question, if your not some celebrity, or your not blogging about your awesome trip to London or how to stay anerexic, then who would want to read this stuff anyways? But that's kind of the fun of it all, right?

So, if you somehow are reading this, I will make my disclaimer now: I like to write, and therefore I will probably blog often, but that doesn't mean you have to read it. As an inspiring author, who knows, maybe this will get me noticed and published one day. Doubtful, but hey, why not.
On that note, napping is probably in my best interest right now, considering falling asleep at seven, waking up at midnight to drive home, re-falling asleep at two, and waking up at six AM to blog probably didn't give me the rest I needed. And...I'm out.